The Conference “Career Guidance in Adult Education”

The Conference “Career Guidance in Adult Education”







PresentationNORDLUS_vivita1 Vivita_Future Research Results Presentation Riga CV 2 Bite AEC Presentation Piloting_NO Presentation Piloting_LV Presentation Piloting Sweden Presentation Piloting Lithuania Presentation Piloting IS








The programme below is created according to the research results and upgraded after the process of piloting. The programme provides the suggested topics. On the website and is a full version of guidance programme available with the suggested methods and provided resources in all project partners’ languages –  Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic.

Topic/Theme Description/The aim of the Theme
1.Introduction to the Career Guidance Course
1.Introduction Interview, talk before starting a guidance course with adult participants Why am I here? What support do I need?
2.     The Role of Career
2.1. Career and its role of the career in the process of self-development What does a career mean and what is the role of the career in a life of a person?
2.2. The Models of Career What type of career is suitable for me – vertical or horizontal?
2.3. Vision of Career Where do I see myself in the future?
2.4. The role of the stereotypes during the process of choosing of career How can stereotypes influence a career choosing process?
2.5. Additional Career Support Where can I search for additional career support and guidance?
2.6. Mentoring What is mentoring?

Why and how to choose a mentor?

2.7. Couching What does “couching” mean?

Why and how to choose a couch?

3. Education System and Forms
3.1. Education system and levels of vocational qualifications What kind of education system exists in my country? Where am I in this system? What are my opportunities for further studies?
3.2. The importance of lifelong learning What does “lifelong learning” mean? Why lifelong learning is important in the career?
3.3. Education possibilities in resident country What kind of education institutions and study programmes are provided within my country?
3.4. Education possibilities abroad What kind of education institutions and study programmes are provided in foreign countries? How to apply for studies abroad?
3.5. Study costs,
scholarships and study loan
How much money do I need to start to study? Where to get the money for studies? Is it possible to get scholarships? If “yes”, then where?
3.6. Recognition of previous education What does “recognition of previous education” mean?
4. Professions
4.1. Diversity of professions and perspective of professions What kinds of professions exist?
5. Self-study and self0development
5.1. Identification of competences, skills, talents and experience What are my talents, competences, skills, experience, the level of self-esteem?
5.2. Self-development How can I develop needed skills and competences for a successful career?
5.3. Increasing of self esteem How to increase my self-esteem?
5.4. Motivation and its role in the process of development of career What is the role of motivation in the process of development of career? How to raise motivation?
5.5. Values


What are my values? How my value system can influence my professional career?
6. Job Search
6.1.  Work opportunities Where to look for work opportunities and vacancies?
6.2. Job opportunities abroad How to search for work abroad?
6.3. The role of experience in development of career What to do if I do not have professional experience? Should I choose a career according to my experience?
7. Business Communication
7.1. Written Business Communication How to write CV? What is the best template for CV? How to develop a Motivation letter?
7.2. E- Business Communication How to write business e-mails?
7.3. Social Networks How can profiles in social networks influence the opinion of the potential employer?
7.4. Behaviour during the job interview How to behave during a job interview?
7.5. Business etiquette What to wear for the job interview and to work? How to behave during business meetings? Why is it important to know and to follow the rules of business etiquette?
8. Employment Relationship
8.1. Types of employment – self-employed, contract of employment, enterprise agreement, royalty agreement. How can I be employed? What kinds of agreements exist?
8.2. Entrepreneurship How to start my own business?
8.3. Volunteering How to start volunteering? Why volunteering is valuable for career?
8.4. Unemployment


Where to get help in the situation of unemployment? What benefits will I get as unemployed? How to return to a labour market?
8.5. Labour law, duties and responsibilities of employer and employee What are my rights as employee? What are employer’s duties?
9. Decision-making process
9.1. Summary of the career guidance process What I have got from this programme? Do I have enough information to start work on career development? What I have already done to start to develop my career?
9.2. Next steps What I should do – step by step –to achieve my aims?
10. Reflection
10.1. Reflection visit after one month What I have done to achieve my aims?

Research Reports

During the Project has been made Research and need analyses of existent systems and current situation in project partners’ countries. The the aim of the research was to explore and find answers on several questions: How adults are being prepared for lifelong learning and career? What kind of methods are used to help them to become self-dependent persons? which institutions are responsible for adult career guidance?, etc.

During research has been summarized all methods which are recognized as successful; gathered information about already existing career guidance materials and portals; reviewed national policies and tools.

Research Report Sweden

Research report Lithuania

Research Report Latvia